It’s time to add some new first readers to the Shimmer team.
Interested? Here’s what it takes:
You’ll carefully pore over the mountain of submissions, looking for gems. For each story, you’ll decide whether to pass the story up for further consideration, or gently reject it. The job generally takes less than five hours a week, once you get rolling. It requires consistency, alignment with the editorial team’s taste, and compassionate communication. We’ll also ask you not to submit your own fiction to Shimmer while you’re on staff.
Being a Shimmer reader means you’re part of a thriving and beautiful publication, working closely with a team of smart, fun people. If you’re a writer, you’ll learn a hell of a lot from the slush pile about what works and what doesn’t work. The position pays in glory, copies of Shimmer issues, and drinks if our paths ever cross at a convention. (But mostly glory.)
To apply, download the electronic version of Issue 10. (Get it free, here.) Then tell me which story you liked the most, and why? And which story you liked the least, and why? It’s not about the stories you pick as much as it is about why you picked them. We’re trying to get a sense of whether our tastes are in synch.
Send your response to no later than the end of the day, January 31, 2012.