Our hiatus is over and we’re now open to submissions again. Take a look at the guidelines and then send us your best; we’d love to read it.
Our relaunch is underway. Issue 10 is at the printers and should be available in about two weeks. We have a lovely new web site design, and are working on getting all of our content reorganized (please bear with us!).
We’re ready to take on the world again!
Welcome back!
Thanks, Melissa! It’s great to be back. 🙂
Story on the way…
Welcome back indeed! Great to have Shimmer with us!
Are you open or not for submissions? Its very unclear, and
confusing to those of us who would like to have our work
turned down and ridiculed.
The post you are commenting on is from 2009, and our landing page mentions “our final issue.” We are not open to submissions.