The End

We have an announcement: after thirteen years, Shimmer’s closing.  Our last issue will be November 2018. The 2018 anthology will be released in late 2018.

Gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodhi svaha | Gone, gone, gone beyond, gone altogether beyond. Oh, what an awakening!

For thirteen years, we’ve been haunted by stories of longing beyond loss, of love beyond death, of beauty beyond heartbreak. Now we’re writing our own story of exquisite endings and pain and joy. It’s time. We’re gutted and relieved and weepy and laughing and eager to see what comes next.

We are incredibly thankful to all the people who have made Shimmer a success over the years: our hard-working staff of volunteers, the luminous authors and artists who contributed their work, the readers who’ve supported us, and the entire SFF community, who welcomed a team of naive upstarts and helped shape who we became.

Gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodhi svaha | Gone, gone, gone beyond, gone altogether beyond. Oh, what an awakening!

I owe an unpayable debt to Mary Robinette Kowal. She was there at the beginning as our art director; she’s why Shimmer looks the way it does, and the reason why we had a print edition. She was there in the middle, as she helped us raise our rates to what was then a pro rate. And she’s there at the end, as a friend and a shining light in the industry.

I owe an unpayable debt to E. Catherine Tobler, who’s become my closest friend. She joined the Shimmer staff in our second year, and quickly made herself indispensable. She’s thoughtful and talented and her steadfast diligence is, honestly, the only reason there’s been a Shimmer at all for the past several years. Everyone needs an Elise.

Gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodhi svaha | Gone, gone, gone beyond, gone altogether beyond. Oh, what an awakening!

If you’re a reader — the site will stay up indefinitely, and we’ve got lots of great fiction for you to browse and buy.

If you’re a subscriber with a subscription that goes past November, you’ll get a separate email from me about how we plan to fulfill your subscription.

If you’re a writer, good news: we still have a few slots in the final issues, and will remain open to submissions until 11:59 PM  Mountain Time on July 14. Last call, gang; make it count.

Gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodhi svaha | Gone, gone, gone beyond, gone altogether beyond. Oh, what an awakening!



15 thoughts on “The End”

  1. So sad. I’ve enjoyed my time with Shimmer. Such amazing choice of stories. I’ll be sad without your pages to keep me company through stormy insomniac nights.

  2. You made me feel accepted. You made me feel worthy. Most of all, you made me feel like a writer. Thanks, Shimmer. Best of luck to you all.
    ~ Charlie Bookout

  3. One of my favoritest faves. You’ll be terribly missed. I’ll have to shore up some courage and send something your way, just once before the last.

  4. Shimmer has been a tremendous inspiration, and one of the few venues consistently publishing work of the kind I love to read. It helped give me confidence that there’s a market for Metaphorosis.

    I don’t generally write Shimmery material myself, but I really wanted to sell a story to the magazine; it’s been one of those elusive ‘signs of success’ I’ve kept an eye on.

    Thanks for all the years so far!

  5. Wow, what an amazing run you’ve had! An amazing publication. Shimmer will be missed.

  6. I am beyond gutted. And here I was with a tiny story close to my heart, hoping to submit it to Shimmer. I remember when you started, and I can’t believe I’m seeing your journal’s end. I loved every minute of it. I am in pieces.
    Here’s hoping that it’s like that Semisonic song I used to listen to when I was in college: “Closing time/Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end. ”
    Onward and many blessings from a kindred spirit!

  7. Probably one of the last in the long, long line waiting to express sorrows…
    Loved to read it. Loved to discover it. Always wanted to sell a story to. Great community, great art. Great magazine.

    Shimmer on.

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