Issue 19

Shimmer 19
Shimmer #19

Issue 19 is now available!

This is our first digital issue. It’s full of everything Shimmer’s famous for: stories of love and loss and hope and death — and a double helping of wings. We’ll release one new story every two weeks. (Want to read them all at once? No problem; just scroll down to the buy button and get the whole issue at once.)

The Earth & Everything Under, by K. M. Ferebee.

 Peter had been in the ground for six months when the birds began pushing up out of the earth.

Methods of Divination, by Tara Isabella Burton.

The universe breaks so quietly…

Jane By Margaret Dunlap

You will not believe the paperwork you have to fill out when you save someone’s life, and then your ungrateful patient turns around and bites you.

List of Items Found in Valise on Welby Crescent, by Alex Acks

1 ticket stub for Dr. Birrenbaum’s Stupendous Sideshow, with subtitle: Feel the Raw Power of the Ferocious Tiger Boy! Hear the Heartbreaking Song of the Bird Woman! Dream Darkly as You Gaze Upon the Siren!

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All the stories; no waiting. Only $2.99.

Shimmer Issue 19 Electronic
Shimmer Issue 19 Electronic
Price: $2.99
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Digital Subscription
Digital Subscription
Price: $15.00


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