Shimmer #16 approaches!
You can get a sneak peek at what’s to come in the issue with our trailer (below). Author Helena Bell, along with her brother, has also put together a marvelous project for her Shimmer #16 story, “In Light of Recent Events I Have Reconsidered the Wisdom of Your Space Elevator,” which you should view here.
I am impossibly excited about this issue, and you get to see it all soon! Preorder in your preferred format!
Shimmer #16 Table of Contents:
Goodbye Mildred, Charlie Bookout
Opposable Thumbs, Greg Leunig
Word and Flesh, Dennis Y. Ginoza
The Revelation of Morgan Stern, Christie Yant
The Binding of Memories, Cate Gardner
The Death and Life of Bob, William Jablonsky
The Sky Whale, Rebecca Emanuelsen
Tasting of the Sea, A.C. Wise
Lighting the Candles, Laura Hinkle
Gemini in the House of Mars, Nicole M. Taylor
The Haunted Jalopy Races, M. Bennardo
In Light of Recent Events I Have Reconsidered the Wisdom of Your Space Elevator, Helena Bell