Award Eligibility

If you are nominating for Hugos, Nebulas, or Best in Badgers, Shimmer appreciates your consideration! Shimmer is eligible in the Semiprozine category and its editors in the Short Form category.

In 2013, we published #16 and #17, including the following short story works:

Ordinary Souls, K.M. Szpara
Goodbye Mildred, Charlie Bookout
Opposable Thumbs, Greg Leunig
Word and Flesh, Dennis Y. Ginoza
The Revelation of Morgan Stern, Christie Yant
The Binding of Memories, Cate Gardner
The Death and Life of Bob, William Jablonsky
The Sky Whale, Rebecca Emanuelsen
Tasting of the Sea, A.C. Wise
Lighting the Candles, Laura Hinkle
Gemini in the House of Mars, Nicole M. Taylor
The Haunted Jalopy Races, M. Bennardo
In Light of Recent Events I Have Reconsidered the Wisdom of Your Space Elevator, Helena Bell
The Mostly True Story of Assman & Foxy, by Katherine Sparrow
How Bunny Came to Be, by A.C. Wise
The Moon Bears, by Sarah Brooks
Sincerely, Your Psychic, by Helena Bell
Out They Come, by Alex Dally MacFarlane
Love in the Time of Vivisection, by Sunny Moraine
Fishing, by Lavie Tidhar
98 Ianthe, by Robert N. Lee
The Desire of All Things, by Jordan Taylor
The Metaphor of the Lakes, by Yarrow Paisley
Romeo and Meatbox, by Alex Wilson
Like Feather, Like Bone, by Kristi DeMeester
Girl, With Coin, by Damien Angelica Walters
River, Dreaming, by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
The Fairy Godmother, by Kim Neville
We Were Never Alone in Space, by Carmen Maria Machado
The Herdsman of the Dead, by Ada Hoffman



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